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Menghui, founded by stylist Kelly Gan in 2020, is a leading brand in Hanfu culture. We are dedicated to preserving and promoting Chinese Hanfu culture in a fashionable way, inspiring the younger generation in Singapore and abroad. Whether you are a Hanfu enthusiast, a lover of ancient aesthetics, or interested in bridal makeup, Menghui caters to your needs. We provide a diverse range of services, immersing you in the splendid world of Chinese culture. Let's explore the charm of Hanfu culture together, embracing its heritage and innovating for the next generation.


Menghui is passionate about delivering unique and personalized services to our customers. Whether it's for significant occasions like weddings and celebrations or for leisurely moments, we create exquisite Hanfu styles tailored to your preferences. Our garments embody traditional craftsmanship and intricate details while incorporating modern elements, allowing you to showcase elegance and beauty at every special moment.

梦回Menghui是汉服文化的引领者,由造型师Kelly Gan于2020年创立。我们致力于以时尚的方式传承中国汉服文化,激发新加坡年轻一代的兴趣,并在海外推广华人传统文化和国学。无论您是汉服爱好者、古风迷还是对新娘妆造感兴趣,梦回Menghui满足您的需求。我们提供多样化的服务,让您沉浸在华族文化的美妙世界中。让我们共同探索汉服文化的魅力,传承和创新,将这份宝贵的遗产传递给下一代。


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